2017: The Year of Red

The new year is one of new beginnings and most populously, a fresh start. Depending on how you approach the new year you're either turning a new page or starting a new book. We like to succumb to the age old traditions of setting resolutions with no plan, thus no discipline, and one day of action. It's a continuous cycle of "I will", "I am", "I forgot", "I remember", and finally "I won't"; but instead of placing those pressures on ourselves, we should place those pressures on the process and be more results driven than ever. We have to take on this "new year" with an aggressive and tenacious mindset. The inner and outer turmoil of 2016 should not carry us into the new year, but instead, use this as a chance to get up and dust yourself off for a nationwide clean slate. Most specifically, the color red incarnates all of these feelings and then some.

As the first primary on the bow, one of two constant primaries between both physical and wavelength constituents, and the longest wavelength of all seven hues, it's only right to begin our color themed years in red. As the most aggressive and arguably the strongest hue, we must borrow some qualities from it and apply them to our current situations. Red projects outward as all warm hues do, but red has this confident demeanor like it meant to disturb you and stop you in your tracks. It's mostly popular in marketing and graphic design because of its effects on our nervous system and blood pressure. In color psychology, red is used as a force on patients and as a way to direct immediate responses from otherwise docile participants. 100% of the most powerful color combinations have the color red laying somewhere on its palette because no matter what's next to it, the color red can not be ignored (unless you're colorblind of course). Ironically, it symbolizes both love and hate so if you do decide to meditate on a heavily saturated hue, then you will go into emotional overdrive given you are highly sensitive to either or both of these feelings.

Just as this color red is multi-faceted in its aggressive nature, we should approach the year in that same manner. Shed off all other hues or attitudes you've acquired in the previous year and reposition your mindset toward attacking this year with confidence and vitality. As the first, it's important to note that it's not always easy and a lot of times you have to stand alone often not knowing what's next; but from that mystery comes the softer side of red in having patience. Even leaning further towards the pink end of the hue, the frequency from having genuine love and passion for yourself and your work will project outward, and you will receive all that you pray, hope, dream and wish for.